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Gold Fish

This is the place to tell about all the cool places your Eagle takes you. Hopefully there will be lots of great pictures that will help us all plan future trips.
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Gold Fish

Post by BoxcarOkie »

Each and every time I do something really stupid, my wife will shake her head, give me that look, and then say … “They are going to love you at the home.” Other than her willing promise to love me too death, she also believes that God put her on this planet to take care of me. Which is ludicrous, because we all know, it is just the exact opposite … right men? Right men?


This article, boys & girls, will be about gold fish, yeah, life and gold fish.

A teenager walking home from school stops at the local pet shop and purchases two gold fish, and then as his second stop, he drops by the local Chinese Restaurant and gets an order of chop suey to go. Both are in similar containers, little white boxes, metal handles. Upon arriving home, he goes upstairs, opens the box and dumps the contents of the box into the fishbowl.

Unfortunately for him. It is the chop suey; he has chosen the wrong box. He is standing there looking at all of this floating around in the bowl, and his father happens to walk down the hallway, he sees the chop suey and enters the room.

“What’s that?” he asks the boy, and the boy replies, “Chop Suey.”

The father stands there for a moment or two and then says, “Okay, I guess it is alright. But you are taking care of it. Don’t expect me or your mother to do it for you.” That is life; this is the way things are supposed to work. But we all know that isn’t the natural way of things right men?

Right men?

Life has been good to me, interesting, rewarding, and I have had my fair share of gold fish too. My wife, bless her heart, I love her to death. But she will often rag me about allowing my silverware to lie on the table at the eatery. God help me if we happen to stop at a truck stop on the road to eat, and I lay my silverware (I call ‘em my tools) on the table.

This drives her insane (a short trip on some days I might add) when I do this. Foolishly if you do this in her presence you are guaranteed “the look” in less than a Hong Kong second, she will be on you faster than a stray hair on a new bar of soap.

Often out of boredom or complete loss of sanity, I will lay my tools on the table and she will go off on me like you would not believe! Which most always leads to the following exchange: “What in the world is the matter with you woman?” and then she will, usually in great detail, explain to me the inner workings of the Atlanta Disease Control Center.

Somewhat vividly describe every known virus, bacterial infection, or whatever, that ever spent one nano-second on this planet. My bride will in no uncertain terms describe every known virus, plague all the way back to the time of Moses’ and the forty-years wandering in the desert sands of Egypt.

Now when you have a person sitting right across from you doing this, vividly explaining how parts of your anatomy are going to rot off and fall on the floor, simply because you did not lay your tools on the napkin. Well, that can be a tad bit disconcerting to the average guy, to say nothing as to what it will do for your appetite.

Not all that long ago we were in Houston, Texas, and took our kid’s and the grand-babies out to eat. We were steered to a suitable location and we all sat down and prepared for the meal and some conversation. About that time, my daughter-in-law reaches into this bag thingy that has all the baby stuff in it, and produces a box of these small orange crackers that are called “Gold Fish.”

She opens the box, and dumps a copious amount of them STRAIGHT ONTO THE TABLE right in front of me and my wife. I could not believe my eyes! I just sat there with this deer in the headlight look and stared at all these little gold fish on the table. There must have been hundred’s of them, well, there was a whole lot of them scattered about.

Honest people, I am not making this up (Trust me hah).

After a considerable amount of time (what I considered reasonable) I turn and I look at my wife, who by the way seems oblivious to it all. Unbelievable. Seizing what I consider to be a golden moment in time. I look at my wife and I say: “Now will you look at that! She dumped all those crackers on that table and that baby is eating them, what about that? Huh, huh? What about that? How can she do that, and you sit here and say nothing. Answer me that.”

My wife thought about it for a small amount of time (about a fraction of a second actually) and then said to me: “That is her baby. And you are mine.”

Face the facts, “they were put here to rule the world, and you of course, to drive the bus and occasionally shine the chrome … Give it up men, you cannot win. Just pack it in and move on.” *

See you in the fast lane.


*Any resemblance to any woman, living or dead, is purely coincidental, and if you repeat this story to my wife at any bus rally in the continental United States of America or on property in the lower forty-eight, I will deny each and every word of it categorically.”
No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by Harvester »

I love it, I think we married sisters.............
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by Two Feathers »

You must have gotten a good nights sleep to write this so early in the morning!
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by Eagle Andy »

Great BCO :D It's kind of like ( Whats mine is mine and whats your's is mine ) 8-)
Andy Wright 68 Silver Eagle Model 5 8V92 #7481
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by BoxcarOkie »

Harvester wrote:I love it, I think we married sisters.............
Funny you should mention that, for they say there are two people for each other in the world. Somewhere, you and I, have an exact twin, now there is a scary thought huh? Your reply made me think of an old joke.

The congregation of the Mt. Olive Baptist church were seated and all in attendance were stunned when a loud voice resounded from the back of the church. It said: “It is the devil, Satan incarnate!” And sure enough, standing there big as Texas, was the devil himself.

People immediately began to leave the confines of the church in droves, taking any and all exits and making use of the closest window possible. All but one solitary soul, sitting alone in the second pew, down front.

The devil walked down to this man, looked him in the eye and said, “Do you know who I am?” and the guy thought for a moment and then said, “Yeah, you are the devil.”

Satan then inquired, “Why didn’t you run like all the others?”

The guy looked up and said, “Hell man, I have been married to your sister for forty-two years!”

See you in the fast lane …

No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by BoxcarOkie »

NormaJean wrote:You must have gotten a good nights sleep to write this so early in the morning!
March 7, 2010, where is the time going, first thing y’know it will be time to fiddle with the clocks again. It is has become my custom to retire early and rise before dawn on most days. Might be because I am growing older and as they say, have reached the autumn of my years. (My-my, isn’t that poetic?)

Early morning is the best time of the day for me, the birds are singing, the dawn is breaking and I find something cathartic about it all.

And of course, internet traffic is down early in the morning and speed’s are up, that is another reason for it.

Thanks for your reply

No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Gold Fish

Post by BoxcarOkie »

Eagle Andy wrote:Great BCO :D It's kind of like ( Whats mine is mine and whats your's is mine ) 8-)
Strange but often works just like that.

No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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