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Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

Post # 24

Sewer Pipe Repair
On a recent camping trip, our sewer pipe got cracked going over what I later realized was a "not so good road." We arrived just before dark, it was starting to rain, we didn't have time to check out the park and get another sight, so we took our assigned site, parked and set up just before the rain came down. We didn't realize we had a problem until we got ready to leave the next morning and I got ready to dump our tanks. That's when I saw the problem. After inspecting the situation and checking out the road we came in on to access our site, I noticed there were some tree roots that had caused the asphalt to be pushed up and that's what cracked the pipe. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because when we got home and I started to repair that pipe, I noticed that the gray tank valve had been leaking.

I ordered the repair kit for the valve and also bought new pvc pipes and corrected both problems.








Manny & Darlene's
1972 Silver Eagle 05
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

Post # 25

Replacing the House Batteries

When I returned from the South Carolina Rally I noticed that my house batteries seemed to be "cooking.' I suspect they were about 4 or 5 years old (they were in when we bought our Eagle). It turned out to be a bigger project than I anticipated, mostly because when I took out the old batteries I saw that battery acid had been leaking onto the wood platform. Luckily it did not go through the wood. So I bought three new batteries and also new wood, which I prepped and painted. I bought longer wood than was in there originally and I also bought cases from West Marine to house the batteries. Now if they should ever leak acid, they are in their own leakproof containers. Those plastic containers only cost $15 each, and they come with covers and straps. (Not bad!). Money well spent, I think.

Old Batteries

Old Battery Platform


New Wood



New Batteries

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Manny & Darlene's
1972 Silver Eagle 05
VIN # 8851
8V71 / HT740 4 Speed Automatic
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

Post# 26

Generator Transfer Switch

When our Eagle was converted, it was wired to work off two 50 amp cords. I'm not really sure why, but I suspect it has something to do with the two (actual house) a/c units that were installed to cool our bus, and the four-burner stovetop for cooking inside. Having 2 a/c units is really an overkill, since one unit at a time, MORE than cools our bus. We call it the "meat freezer" LOL.

In talking to some other Eagle owners it was suggested that we try to get everything to run off of just one 50 amp plug. The two pink wires you see on the braker box is what I did to jump both sides to make it run on one.

The transfer switch for our generator is electronic. As you can see on the right-hand side of the panel, everything is running off of two relay switches. The top one is for the generator and you can see the transfer switch board is connected there. The bottom relay is for the shore power. The transfer switch quit working (my generator was running but it was not communicating through the transfer switch). I did some research and located a company out of Oregon called Wrico:" onclick=";return false; I spoke with Dick (I surmise he is the owner) and explained my dilema. He was very knowledgeable and after emailing him a few pics he was able to walk me through a series of tests. With his help I learned I could disconnect several things on the left side that were unnecessary for the perfomance I needed. It took me the better part of a week (after work) to finally get the situation resolved. Now, everything works on one 50 amp cord. I didn't even need a new transfer switch board, the problem was how it had previously been wired.

There is something to be said for those of you doing your own buses and KNOW and understand what's what. It's taken me a while to decifer mine out, but I think I have it situated just how I want it now.



View of Relays - Top for Generator, Bottom for Shore Power

Views of Transfer Switch Board



Transfer Board attached to Relay Switch
Manny & Darlene's
1972 Silver Eagle 05
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by gpzzdrm »

I am so impressed by your acquisition of so much knowledge of your bus so fast.
One comment I would like to make is regarding Dick Wright of Wrico. Yes, he is the owner of Wrico. Yes, he is very knowledgeable, not only of electrical, generators and all that, he is extremely knowledgeable of everything there is to know about buses. He loves everything about bus conversions. He has been and continues to be my guru of electrical AND Webasto heating equipment and installations. Be sure to keep him in mind when you need something. I would add, that supporting his business, supports all of us in this wonderful hobby.
Again, I am very impressed with your quick uptake on a lot of things. Your bus looks great too. Looks like it is getting better all the time. I will look forward to meeting you sometime.
1978 05 Eagle with 450HP Cummins ISM / Allison HT740
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

Thank you for your comments Bill, and I appreciate your high recommendation of Dick. He certainly goes above and beyond. I could tell he was very knowledgeable about electrical issues and generators, but I had no idea he was so into bus conversions. Thank you for the heads up on that. We should invite him to join this board.

Take care and thanks again for your reply.
Manny & Darlene's
1972 Silver Eagle 05
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by gpzzdrm »

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I would love to have Dick join our forum, but....... last I brought the subject of computers, internet, etc. to him, he said he can get along without them just fine. His wife, Jeanne, does do some, but only out of necessity. Maybe someday, he would be as good electrically as Dan is from his experience with Silver Eagle and before.
Again, sorry it took me so long. Stuff going on.
1978 05 Eagle with 450HP Cummins ISM / Allison HT740
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by BoxcarOkie »

"but....... last I brought the subject of computers, internet, etc. to him, he said he can get along without them just fine. His wife, Jeanne, does do some, but only out of necessity."

I get along with computers just fine, but in reality, I rue the day I was introduced to them, they steal your time and shorten your life with unnecessary frustration and aggravation. It is a smart man who knows his limitations, and I say, if you can live without 'em, you are ahead of the game. FWIW.

Manny, you do good work son, nice, neat, and it looks grand. Take two attaboys outta petty cash for a job well done. The sewer connection looks bullet proof to me. There is an old saying in life, "acid will eat a hole in any vessel it is stored in." Grain of salt kind of thing. Plastic won't stop it (at least I don't think it will) but it will slow it down some, I have one on my generator battery.

No I didn't say that ... Must have been some other guy." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

That's too bad Dick doesn't get on here. He is very knowledgeable and sure helped me! I can relate to your comment about computers, though...

Jim, just to clarify, I put the batteries in those containers as a preventative measure. Thank goodness no damage had been done before I put the new batteries in.
Manny & Darlene's
1972 Silver Eagle 05
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by buscrazyinFL »

Post # 27

Air Seat

I have never been completely satisfied with the Flexsteel seat that was in our bus when we bought it. I know they are suppose to be really good seats, but I never found it comfortable. I guess it's because I was use to an air seat when I drove tractor trailers for UPS. I've been wanting to do this project for a long time, but air seats are not cheap, so it kind of got put on the back burner...

Low and behold I was given a used airseat from someone I knew. It was quite functional, but needed a new base and some reupholstering. Thanks to KY Steve, I had the base part covered. I made a mock base from wood and gave it to him when we hooked up at the Palmetto Cove Rally in SC. I explained what I needed and he went home and made me one from steel and then shipped it to me. It was PERFECT! Thank you KY Steve!!! Then I took the seat into a local upholstery shop. I've used them before and knew they did good work (for a fair price).

I started this project on a Friday evening when I finished up work with my business. First, I unbolted the old seat - no problem there, that went just fine. Now for the new air seat - THAT took a bit of work. I ended up being out there several hours but I was able to get most of the more challenging work done before night fell. The hardest part was lining up the new base - measuring and figuring out exactly where I wanted the base to be mounted. Of course, I was not able to use most of the holes that were already there on the floor from the old seat, that would have been too easy, but the new seat is actually more secure because I have it bolted completely onto the metal plate that comes w/the bus. The old seat had been bolted half on the metal and half on the wood.

Saturday morning all I had to do was bolt the seat to the base. That went pretty smoothly and didn't take much time at all. Then I hooked up the air line and it worked like a dream! I am so pleased with the new seat. It's going to be so much nicer to drive now, although I know it's going to take alittle time getting use to. Hope you enjoy the pictures:

Here is the mock base of wood / then the steel one KY Steve made

Flexsteel seat I wanted to replace

Air seat before and after it was upholstered

Unbolting old base to remove Flexsteel seat

Positioning the air seat then lining up new base to bolt

Air line for airhorn and air seat on a brass "T" that will bolt onto air tank

Brass fitting w/teflon tape

Air Regulator for the seat

Bolting the air line to the air regulator

Finished air seat w/proud Eagle driver


New Seat Belt (before and after pics)



Last edited by buscrazyinFL on Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Manny & Darlene's
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Re: Manny & Darlene's Eagle 05

Post by Dreamscape »


Very nice job and as always great documentation! I never use Teflon tape, just use a good joint sealant. Thread from the tape can sometimes get into a valve and pose a problem.


Paul Lawry
1968 Eagle 01 #7443
Silver 8V92 HT 740

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