Three part article published in the Oct./Nov./Dec. issues of Bus Conversions magazine
Articles written by Jim Shepherd
Part One of this article appeared in the October, 2009 issue of Bus Conversions Magazine.
Topics include:
- Should I modify my two-stroke engine for more power?
- If I do a conversion, should I stay with a two-stroke and use a bigger engine or go to a four-stroke engine?
- If I do a conversion, should I use a mechanical or electronic engine?
Link: BCM Engine Conversion Article Part 1
Part Two appeared in the November 2009 issue of Bus Conversions Magazine.
Topics include:
- Will a conversion increase my mileage? Is there a
- reasonable payback with increased mileage?
- What are the costs involved in an engine conversion/power upgrade?
- Should I think about doing the conversion myself?
- What systems will have to be fabricated?
Link: BCM Engine Conversion Article Part 2
Part Three of appeared in the December 2009 issue of Bus Conversions Magazine.
Topics include:
- Why will I need to change my gearing for a four-stroke conversion?
- What about cooling problems?
- Will I have to do any special structural modifications?
Link: BCM Engine Conversion Article Part 3
These articles are published with permission of Bus Conversions Magazine