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A Different Way to Adjust Bogies

This is a public forum to discuss Eagle related technical issues. If you are having a problem with your Eagle, this is the place to find help.
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Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:28 pm
Bus Model: Model 10, 1980, Eagle

A Different Way to Adjust Bogies

Post by Jack »

Hi Guys,

I found a different way to remove and adjust the bogie arms which I never found discussed before, so I thought I would share how I did it. Took less than 1hr each side doing it my way. As usual when performing the bogie spline adjustment, my original calculations were off so I had to do each side twice.

What I did was simple.

1) Remove the front pinch bolt.
2) Leave the rear one in place- but with the nut off. This rear bolt will 'catch' on the splines when you pull on the arm so it will not come off. The rear bolt conveniently will stop the arm just as the splines slip off to the point where you can adjust them and not lose the arm off the shaft.
3) Use a tow-strap and tie it around the bogie arm.
4) Tie the other end of your tow-strap to a truck.
5) Now use truck power to pull and pop it off.
6) Using an engine hoist we lowered the arm to the splines we wanted.
7) Use the truck to 'push' the arm back in place. Reinstall the rear pinch bolt nut and the front pinch bolt and torqued them down.

That was easy! No special tools and nothing else needed to be removed! Save yourself and your fingers and use machine power!

Hope this helps make the job less troublesome for others.

Posts: 188
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:43 pm
Bus Model: 1985 Eagle 10

Re: A Different Way to Adjust Bogies

Post by davida »


Clever idea, but how did you control it when you put the pedal down on the truck and start pulling? Looks like once it let loose it would pound hard against the rear bolt in an uncontrollable manner. Also, how did you pull it equally from both straps? I made a puller out of iron for mine and used a 20 ton jack on the horizontal to remove mine. Worked well.

Glad you had success.

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